Ñeques - Pokemones    5 - 6

#NameAssistsGoals Tot.
17Diego Guerrero303
0Carlos Equiz112
4Sofía Elena Sandoval Cedeño112
72Mariana Bencid011
12Alexander Guillen011
9Ivan Torres011
58Andrea Ahumada000
21Angela Braddick000
7Rafael Carrillo000
27Adriana De Obaldia000
1Gonzalo García000
16Daniela Marciaga000
18Giorgio Minghelli000
8Leonardo Rodríguez000
43Valeria Rodríguez000
77Ana Cristina Saavedra000
5Ana Sofía Santamaría000
25Fabio Solanilla000
71Ana María Tejada000
10Sebastian Urrutia000
71Sofia Brandelik224
11Luisa Robles213
42Sebastian Brandelik022
23Jhonatan Lee011
25Gabriela Gonzalez101
27Sergio Moreno101
2Aimee Marie Bravo000
18Giulietta Brugiati000
13Ian Carlos Caballero000
77Karla Canales000
7Andry Freites000
28Aratxa Jiménez000
17Stephany Méndez000
14José Rolando Palacios Castillo000
95Fernando Pinillo000
10Felipe Rettally000
44León Ronssin000
ScoresAssistGoalTimeDur.Game events
0 - 1Sofia Brandelik Sebastian Brandelik 4.404.40
1 - 1Diego Guerrero Mariana Bencid 7.052.25
1 - 2Sofia Brandelik Luisa Robles 10.203.15
2 - 2Diego Guerrero Carlos Equiz 11.551.35
3 - 2Carlos Equiz Sofía Elena Sandoval Cedeño 21.159.20
Time-out 15.00
3 - 3Luisa Robles Sofia Brandelik 23.302.15
3 - 4Luisa Robles Sofia Brandelik 38.0014.30
Time-out 28.00
3 - 5Gabriela Gonzalez Sebastian Brandelik 45.303.30
4 - 5Diego Guerrero Ivan Torres 48.453.15
5 - 5Sofía Elena Sandoval Cedeño Alexander Guillen 56.307.45
5 - 6Sergio Moreno Jhonatan Lee 71.1014.40
Time-out 58.20

Game statistics

Goals: 5 6
Time on offence: 25.15 min (37.6 %) 41.55 min (62.4 %)
Time on defence: 41.55 min (62.4 %) 25.15 min (37.6 %)
Time on offence/goal: 5.03 min 6.59 min
Time on defence/goal: 6.59 min 5.03 min
Goals from starting on offence: 3/5 (60.0 %) 4/6 (66.7 %)
Goals from starting on defence: 2/6 (33.3 %) 2/5 (40.0 %)
Goals from turnovers: 2 2
Time-outs: 1 2

SOTG results

Spirit points: 10 7
Rules Knowledge and Use: 2 1
Fouls and Body Contact: 2 1
Fair-Mindedness: 2 1
Positive Attitude and Self-Control: 2 2
Communication: 2 2

Game history